Archives for the month of: January, 2014

Know that it is unnecessary to allow the painful feelings aroused by fear to thwart your actions.

Realise the true beauty of the life you have been given and invite its loving energy to make your desire for knowledge and new experiences so strong that your fear dissipates and sinks back down to the lowest vibration, whence it originates.

Have more faith in the truth of your being by allowing your heart’s energy to heal your trepidation and flood your days with brightness.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

Do what you can to take care of the small concerns and setbacks that are part of daily life.

This approach will release you from thoughts of greater worries and free you to see more clearly and act more fearlessly when the time comes.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

Always be aware of how beautiful you truly are.

By knowing and valuing your own true worth, you connect with the Divine and activate the purest and healthiest love within you.

Notice how subtly, yet powerfully, your world is transformed before your eyes, becoming the ideal place for the perfect expression of your spirit to love at its highest frequency.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

It is not healthy to have holiness or piety as your main goal in life, as it is not necessarily the most beautiful path to come anywhere near to the desired ways of the Divine Creator.

He is best honoured by your discovery of what is a loving and gentle life, created through focusing on your own truth as a reflection of God, rather than by following any strictly prescribed set of rules which ultimately do not resonate peacefully with the uniqueness of your soul.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

Never underestimate the power of being helpful, as it is the key to bringing great benefit to all communities.

A keen willingness to assist comes from tapping into the loving energy all around us, thus making it more real and tangible as well as inspiring those who doubt its existence.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

Anything beautiful that makes your heart sing, helps to keep the brightness of your healthiest hopes alive and gives you the courage to face the days ahead with an easy spirit.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

Regardless of your current situation or surroundings, renew your biggest hopes and expectations in the knowledge that there is loving energy in abundance all over the world and place your faith in its power and ability to bring peace and comfort to your life.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

You cannot experience true progression without releasing any old, tired and unnecessary ways of living and of approaching situations.

Let go of anything that makes you feel bad, or that does not reflect your truth and by simply being and acting out the love of your spirit, amazing transformation can touch every aspect of your life.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

There are great blessings to be discovered in the words and gestures of those who are unexpectedly open to your needs, because the power of the Divine is always at work, guiding us to interact lovingly with our environment and with everyone we encounter.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.

With enough openness and positivity, wonderful events can be part of everyone’s life story, so let the new year in this world be an even better place for your spirit to be noticed in all its splendour.

© Meliza Smith and thenewsageblog, 2013 – 2014.